Veteran Software Developer with a current focus on cloud-hosted web applications
AWS Certified Developer - Associate
CompTIA Security+
Proficient in AWS, Java, TypeScript, and Angular with growth in Rust and Dioxus
Rust and Wasm research:
Experience as author, inventor, lecturer, proposal writer, and user group leader
Past clients: Air Force, Army, CMS, DCSA, FINRA, FRB, IRS, NASA, NIJ, NIST
2003 May - 2005 May
M.Sc. Applied Cognition and Neuroscience
Focus: Neuroprosthetics simulation in Java
University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Richardson, TX
1993 Oct - 1995 Jun
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering
Focus: Computational Neuroscience, Neuromorphic VLSI
California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA
1986 Jul - 1990 Jun
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
Focus: Computer Engineering, Digital Electronics, Neural Networks
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO
AI: Artificial Neural Networks, Business Rule Engine, Intelligent Software Agents
Angular: Electron, Firebase, Ionic, Material, NgRx, Scully, Visual Studio Code
AWS: Amplify, API Gateway, AppSync, Cognito, EC2, Lambda, Route 53, S3, SES, SNS
Database: Aurora, DynamoDB, JDBC, JPA, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, RDS, SQL
DevOps: CFn, CI/CD, CodePipeline, Docker, Git, Governance, IaC, IAM, Jira, Scrum
Graphics: COLLADA, Java 2D, Java 3D, Java OpenGL (JOGL), SVG, Xith3D
JavaScript: AG Grid, AJAX, jQuery, Node.js, React, Redux, RxJS, TypeScript
Middleware: Apache, JBoss BPMS/BRMS/Drools/EAP/OpsNet, OpenShift, Tomcat
Rust: Bevy, Cargo Lambda, Dioxus, Ferymon Spin, RustRover, serde-json, wasm-pack
Simulation: Computational Neuroscience, Logistics, Spiking Neuronal Networks
Test: Cypress, HtmlUnit, Jasmine, JMeter, JUnit, Mockito, Protractor, Selenium
Web: CSS, HTML5, JWT/OAuth2/OIDC, PWA, WCAG, Web Components, WebAssembly
Web Services (WS): GraphQL, JAXB, JAXP, REST, SOAP, StAX, XML, XSD, XSLT
Online Portfolio
Professional Experience
2024 Feb - Present
Software Development, Senior Advisor / Peraton, Dallas, TX (2024 Aug)
Senior Java (AWS) Developer / Prime Technical Services, Dallas, TX (2024 Feb)
AWS, Java, PySpark, and React software development and maintentance
AWS Glue, AWS SDK for Java, DynamoDB, Log4j, Mockito, Redux, Spring Boot
2021 Oct - 2023 Oct
Principal Angular Developer
Innova Solutions, Dallas, TX
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) web application development
Angular, AWS, Git, Jasmine, Java, JUnit, Mockito, NgRx, RxJS, Spring, TypeScript
2018 Aug - 2021 Oct
Senior Full Stack Developer
EXB Solutions, Dallas, TX
Developed cloud-based web applications supporting NASA space communications
Converted a Java-based application to Angular and AWS Cloud and provided updates
Created wiki pages detailing step-by-step solutions for development and maintenance
Wrote application design documentation emphasizing AWS cloud serverless solutions
Promoted adoption of the Agile Scrum Framework and DevOps development practices
Authored innovative technology proposals in response to federal solicitations
AWS: Amplify, API Gateway, AppSync, Cognito, DynamoDB, Lambda, RDS, S3
DevOps: CloudFormation, CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, Docker, IAM, Jira
Web: Angular, CSS, Cypress, Electron, GraphQL, HTML, NgRx, Node.js, TypeScript
2015 Mar - 2018 Aug
Senior Java Developer
EXB Solutions, Dallas, TX
Development and support of high-traffic public-facing IRS web applications
Angular: CLI, Firebase, Flex-Layout, Material, RxJS, TypeScript, VS Code
Java: CDI, JBoss, JSF, Maven, Mockito, MockMvc, Spring MVC, Struts, Thymeleaf
JavaScript: AJAX, AngularJS, Grunt, Jasmine, jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON, UI Bootstrap
Web: Accessibility, Bootstrap, CSS, F12, HTML, SASS, TalkBack, VoiceOver
2012 Jul - 2015 Mar
Senior Consultant
Red Hat, Dallas, TX
Java-based middleware consulting for multiple government and industry clients
Mentoring, installation, configuration, continuous delivery, tuning, security
Apache, JBoss BPMS/BRMS/Drools/EAP/EWS/OpsNet, Linux, OpenShift, Tomcat
Ant, Bash, Eclipse, Git, JBDS, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, REST, VirtualBox, XSLT
2011 Dec - 2012 Jul
Senior Consultant
CGI Federal, Dallas, TX
Requirements analysis, development, and testing of an IRS Java web application
508, Bean Validation, CSS, JavaScript, JBoss, JSF, JSP, JSTL, JUnit, WS
2011 Jun - 2011 Sep
Senior Software Developer
Keste LLC, Plano, TX
- Credit card tokenization service integration for ADF-based website
- ADF, JavaScript, JDeveloper, Servlet, SVN, UML, Web Services
2010 Apr - 2011 Jun
Senior Software Developer
COMFORCE Information Technologies, Dallas, TX
- Southwest Airlines / Technology / Enterprise Business Services
- Updated Java services supporting gift card and travel voucher fulfillment
- Ant, Bash, ClearCase, JAXB, JMS, JUnit, Linux, SOA, Solaris, XSD
2010 Feb - 2010 Mar
Director of Software Development
Customer Care Inc., Austin, TX
- AT&T Wi-Fi Services Next Generation Portal
- Advocated adoption of Commercial Open Source Enterprise Portal
2007 Aug - 2010 Feb
Senior Systems Programmer / Analyst
Collins Consulting / Cole Engineering / Signature Consultants, Garland, TX
- Future Combat Systems Logistics Data Management Service Team IBM
- Authored portlets for logistics simulation and rule-based ETL
- Created state diagram generator/editor using Java 2D and Swing
- Implemented JAX-WS Web Services based on client WSDLs for SOA
- Installation of Oracle Portal and Oracle BI Discoverer portlets
- Created Ant, Hudson, Ivy, Maven, and Nexus build/archive/install scripts
- Authored requirements, design, release, and user documentation
- Drools, Eclipse, Guvnor, Hibernate, JBoss Portal, Oracle RDBMS
- Applet, EJB3, Hibernate, JAXB, JDBC, JPA, JSP, MDB, StAX, UML
2007 Jan - 2007 Aug
Research Engineer
SET Corporation, Arlington, VA
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Advanced Ground Control Station
- 3D OpenGL graphics, GUI, video, and peer network programming
- UDP discovery and integrated non-blocking I/O HTTP server
- Eclipse, HTTP, JAXB, JBoss, JMF, JOGL, NIO, Swing, UDP, XML
2006 Oct - 2006 Dec
Contract Software Developer
Terasem Movement Inc., Melbourne Beach, FL
- CyBeRev Chatbot Development
- Enabled website with customizable A.I. chatbots
- Created Java Swing HTTP chat client for Program D server
- AIML, ALICE, HTTP, Java, JBoss, Program D, Swing
2004 May - 2006 Oct
Software Developer
Whoola Inc., Richardson, TX
- Peer-to-Peer Virtual Reality Learning Environments research grant
- Lead Developer and primary author of research status reports
- Software architecture and network and graphics programming
- Oversight and integration of work of junior programmers
- Authored and maintained project websites and documentation
- Wrote one of the first 3D graphics COLLADA loaders for Java
- Wrote a 3D web browser with fly-through hyperlinks
2005 May - 2005 Aug
Lecturer I
U.T. Dallas, Richardson, TX
- Statistics for Psychology course
- Lectured and prepared exams
2004 Jan - 2004 May
Teaching Assistant
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX
- Research Design and Analysis course
- Graded homework and proctored exams
2003 Sep - 2003 Dec
Contract Java Developer
Hofheinz & Associates, Dallas, TX
- Updated credit card-enabled e-commerce website
- Technologies used included MySQL and Tomcat
2003 Jan - 2003 Dec
Lecturer I
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX
- Taught Java game programming in the Spring and Fall
- Authored course content and the book "Advanced Java Game Programming"
2002 Aug - 2002 Oct
Contract Java Developer
Whoola Inc., Farmers Branch, TX
- Server-side database programming with XML data feeds
- iPlanet, JAXP, JBoss, JDBC, Oracle, SQL, XML
2002 Apr - 2002 Jul
Senior Software Architect
SensorLogic Inc., Dallas, TX
Designed networked device architecture based on Web Services
2002 Apr
Contract Java Developer
Mobile Minerva, Plano, TX
Developed Java web application using JAXB, JAXP, XHTML, and XSLT
2001 Feb - 2001 Jun
Contract Java Developer
Whoola Inc., Farmers Branch, TX
- Developed Java 1.1 applet GUI with HTTP applet-to-servlet communication
- Implemented JDBC database back-end with automated XML data refresh
- Designed architecture for scalable multi-user networking using JMS
- Introduced software management tools: Ant, CVS, and Javadoc
1999 Jul - 2000 Dec
Senior Software Architect (2000) / Senior Software Engineer (1999)
Isadra, Inc. and Vertical Net Inc., Palo Alto, CA
- Refactored a prototype business-to-business (B2B) distributed e-commerce hub
- Created utility to generate Java from XML DTDs (pre-JAXB)
- Prototyped fuzzy logic multiple supplier aggregated product catalog
- Prototyped business process management server (BPMS) integration
- Evangelized reusable libraries and requirements/design documentation
- Authored software development standards and processes
- Drafted requirements to integrate acquired systems using ebXML
- Researched market-oriented programming for dynamic supply chain generation
- Active in e-commerce XML standards organizations ebXML and BPMI
1999 Oct
Contract Java Developer
The OMT Group
- Improved timing performance of Java audio generation code
1999 Sep
Contract Java Developer
Casco Indemnity Company
Debugged and fixed server-side threaded network Java code
1999 Jun - 1999 Jul
Senior Software Engineer
Cybergold Inc., Oakland, CA
E-mail enabled online Java game
Recommended and evaluated COTS direct mass e-mailer software
1997 May - 1999 Jun
Senior Intelligent Systems Engineer / Technical Lead
Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER), Fairmont, WV
- Design and development of Internet software agents and bots
- Training, coordination, and tasking of Java subcontractors
- Participated in grant proposals and client demonstrations
1998 May - 1998 Oct
Contract Java Developer
Enslin Enterprises Inc.
Development of multi-player Internet role-playing software
Trigonometric calculations for field of vision and tracking
Creation of a custom resource updater for persistent caching
1997 Mar - 1997 Apr
Contract Java Developer
Livesay Technologies Inc., Simi Valley, CA
- Contract development of Java-based distributed mobile agent software
- Code/data push, networking, GUI, and dynamic class loading security
1996 Sep - 1997 Mar
Contract Java Developer / Lead Developer Game Engine
Adventure Online Gaming Inc., Pasadena, CA
- Developed multi-player role-playing and strategic gaming software
- Developed prototype Java GUI with fast flicker-free graphics
1995 Jun - 1996 Jul
Systems Engineer
Tanner Research Inc., Pasadena, CA
- Developed software for Neural Network Silicon Compiler project
- Design of CMOS VLSI Digital Neural Network Architecture circuitry
- Authored Fuzzy Logic Silicon Compiler research proposal
- Lab testing of analog/digital VLSI for speech and neural networks
1990 Jun - 1993 Oct
Computer Systems Engineer / First Lieutenant
Data Management, B-2 CTF, 31st TES, U.S. Air Force, Edwards AFB, CA
- Developed data analysis software with interface in Ada
- Included interrupt-triggered prioritized tasking for serial I/O
- Clipper programming language for dBase III database programming
- Organized week-long course in Ada for 20 co-workers
- VMS and Ultrix (DEC Unix) Computer Systems Manager
- Novell Working Group Manager
- Promoted to Captain in the Inactive Ready Reserve after active duty
1989 Summer
Summer Research Intern / Cadet
Radar Test Facility, 4484 Test Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Tyndall AFB, FL
- Translated data switching control software to Turbo Pascal
Personal and Academic Experience
2023 - Present
Software Consultant
Organs for Life
Implemented the website using the Rust-based front-end framework Dioxus
AWS Amplify Hosting, domain names, email, Google Analytics, PayPal, YouTube
2022 - Present
Rust and WebAssembly (Wasm) Research
Authored open source Rust / Wasm web applications and interactive simulations
Authored step-by-step checklist tutorials for setting up Rust / Wasm projects
2010 - Present
SloopSoft Inc, Dallas, TX
- Corporate administration and patent applications
- Software development of media player based on patented invention
- Angular, Firebase, GWT, HTML, Java, JBoss, OpenShift, Swing, Vue
2001 - Present
CroftSoft Inc, Dallas, TX
Open source Rust code and tutorials
Authored an educational flashcard application written using the Ionic Framework
2011 - 2019
Contract Software Developer
Johns Hopkins University
- Event Related Neuronal Simulation Tool (ERNST)
- Distributed discrete event Computational Neuroscience simulator
- Updating, debugging, documenting, and supporting Java-based software
- Ant, Eclipse, Git, Jenkins, JUnit, Logback, Maven, SLF4J, UML, XML, XSD
Created a quiz study application for Android
Created interactive Java Swing animation for neuron simulation
Created 3D Java OpenGL (JOGL) software as a graduate research project
2005 - 2007
Wiring and software for recording from pressure transducer via a joystick
port to assist academic research on infant cognition
2005 - 2006
Prototype development of nerve interface software for research grant:
"Neuro-micro-Transponders: Wireless Neural Control of
Artificial Arms and Hands"
2002 - 2004
Research and development for the book "Advanced Java Game Programming"
Developed Open Source decentralized e-commerce desktop application using
Java Swing, Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP), and
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
2000 - 2001
Founded Open Source Java game programming website, GameSpawn Inc.
Managed 2 employees and 4 contractors to create site content.
Implemented XHTML template mechanism using XSLT
1999 - 2001
Founder and President of the Game Developers Java Users Group (GameJUG)
President of the Silicon Valley Java Users Group (SVJUG)
1997 - 1999
Founder and Moderator of the Mountaineer Java Users Group (MtJUG)
Development of server and client software for interacting in a shared
virtual world over the Internet using Java 3D
1997 - 1998
Development of prototype mobile agents framework using Java RMI
Development of an avatar chat server and client in Java
1993 - 1997
Theoretical analysis of biologically realistic neuron model with
dendritic tree using the simulation tool Neuron. B. Mel, E. Niebur,
and D. Croft, "Why Neurons Make Bad Coincidence Detectors but Good
Periodicity Detectors", presented at the 1995 Neurosciences Meeting
1993 - 1997
Invention of and research into a biologically-plausible neuronal network
learning rule which predicted Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
Implementation of neural network and genetic algorithm simulations in the
Java programming language
1994 - 1995
Design, fabrication, and testing of a novel analog VLSI
depolarizing-hyperpolarizing neuron with an analog synapse adapted using an
integrated learning algorithm with floating gate tunneling and injection.
Presented in a talk at the kickoff for the NSF Center for Neuromorphic
Systems Engineering at the California Institute of Technology
Developed simulation software in MatLab for the implementation of a
spatiotemporal filter for accurate velocity estimation over a range of
spatial frequencies using passive and integrate-and-fire neuron models
1990 - 1993
Wrote a Bulletin Board System (BBS) in Turbo Pascal. Developed a personal
Turbo Pascal library of about 20,000+ lines
Design, implementation, and demonstration of the neural network ART-1
learning algorithm for pattern recognition. System included photodiode
input, digital to analog conversion, RS-232 serial I/O circuitry, serial I/O
software, software implementation of the ART-1 learning algorithm, and
graphical output
1980 - 1990
Designed and programmed a computer game on a TRS-80 at age 12. Continuously
writing personal computer programs in BASIC and Turbo Pascal as a hobby
during early academic years
Patents and Publications
"Method of automatically modifying the probability of random selection of a
presentation based on how long the user delays before skipping (time-based
skip weighting)"
U.S. 8,805,758 issued 2014 August 12th
U.S. 9,747,948 issued 2017 August 29th
Book: "Advanced Java Game Programming", 558 pages, Apress, 2004
Mel, B.W., Niebur, E., & Croft, D.W.,
"How neurons may respond to temporal structure in their inputs."
Proceedings of CNS*96, Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Boston, MA,
In: Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, 1997,
edited by J.M. Bower. New York: Plenum Press, 1997, p. 135-140
Mel, B.W., Niebur, E., & Croft, D.W.,
"When neurons crave regularity and shun cooperativity in their synaptic
input stream".
In Proc. of the 3rd Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, Caltech and
UCSD, 1996
Bartlett W. Mel, David Croft, and Ernst Niebur,
"Why Neurons Make Bad Coincidence Detectors But Good Periodicity Detectors".
Abstract submitted to 1995 Neurosciences Meeting
"The CroftSoft Tutorials".
A collection of self-published online tutorials and presentations on a
variety of technical subjects
"The CroftSoft Code Library".
An Open Source library of reusable Java code
Rust Miami Meetup,
Rust / Wasm: On Serverless & Frontend
Indy Rust Meetup,
Typestate Pattern in Rust: With Fluent Constructor and State Machine
Indy Rust Meetup,
Variance in Rust: Covariant, Contravariant, and Invariant
Fermyon Cloud Office Hours,
Advent of Spin 2023: Challenge Solutions in Rust
Dallas Rust User Meetup (DRUM),
Fun with Fermyon: Serverless WebAssembly Compiled from Rust
Dallas JBoss User Group,
JBoss SwitchYard
Dallas JBoss User Group,
OpenShift Workshop
Dallas Area Neuroscience Group,
Exponential Decay Current Synapses
Dallas Area Neuroscience Group,
Taylor Series
Dallas Area Neuroscience Group,
Poisson Distribution
Dallas Rules Group,
Drools Game of Life Example
Dallas Area Neuroscience Group,
Real-time Simulation and Processing of Peripheral Nerve Spike
Plano Java Users Group,
High Performance Java Swing Animation
IGDA Dallas Coders,
Software Design Patterns in Game Programming
Web Services Java Users Group (WSJUG),
Talk-Java/Drink-Java Las Colinas,
Agoracast: Design and Tools Review
Mountaineer Java Users Group (MtJUG),
Java 3D with RMI
The Java APIs: A Snapshot
The JavaMail API: An Introduction
Writing Java Servlets
Using Java Applets
WVU IEEE Computer Society,
HTML is Easy!
NSF Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering at the
California Institute of Technology,
An Analog VLSI Depolarizing-Hyperpolarizing Neuron
Member, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
2023 Organizer, Dallas Rust User Meetup (DRUM)
2012 Organizer, Dallas JBoss User Group (JBUG)
2010 Historian, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
2009 Historian, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
2008 President, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
2006 Webmaster, Metroplex Institute for Neural Dynamics
2006 Vice President, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
2004 Secretary, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
2004 Representative, Graduate Student Council, UT Dallas
2004 Senator, Student Government Association, UT Dallas
2000 President, Silicon Valley Java Users Group (SVJUG)
1999 President, Game Developers Java Users Group (GameJUG)
1997 President, Mountaineer Java Users Group (MtJUG), WV
1997 Secretary, Student IEEE Computer Society, WVU
1989 President, Student IEEE, USAFA
Academic Honors
- 1993 Virginia Steele Scott Fellowship, Caltech
- 1990 Graduated with Academic Distinction, Top 5%, USAFA
- 1990 Dean's Honor List, all 8 semesters, USAFA
- 1989 Scored perfect 800 on quantitative section of GRE
Doctoral Studies, Cognition and Neuroscience,
University of Texas at Dallas (2005 - 2012)
- Anatomy and Human Physiology for Engineers
- Neuroscience of Interface NeuroEngineering
- Research in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (multiple semesters)
Johns Hopkins University (2007)
M.Sc. Applied Cognition and Neuroscience,
University of Texas at Dallas (2003 - 2005)
- Cellular Neuroscience
- Computational Neuroscience
- Developmental Neurobiology
- Grant Writing for Researchers
- Integrative Neuroscience
- Issues in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2 semesters)
- Neural Net Mathematics
- Neural Plasticity and Behavior Seminar
- Research Internship (2 semesters)
- Research Methods II
M.B.A. Graduate Courses, University of Dallas (2001)
- Accounting for Business Decisions
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial Management
Computer Science Graduate Courses, West Virginia University (1997 - 1999)
- Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to
- Compiler Construction
- Computer Graphics, Introduction to
- Design Patterns
- Global Knowledge Networks
- Patent Law (audit)
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering,
California Institute of Technology (1993 - 1995)
- Analog Integrated Circuit Design (neuromorphic, 3 quarters)
- Analog Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3 quarters)
- Cellular and Systems Neuroscience, Topics in
- Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory
- Collective Computation
- Computational and Neural Systems, Introduction to
- Computational and Neural Systems, Research in (4 quarters)
- Computational and Neural Systems, Special Topics in
- Computational Neuroscience
- Engineering Seminar
- Finance, Introduction to
- Mathematical Programming and Game Theory
- Music and Science, Projects in
- Neurobiology
- Pattern Recognition
- Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
- Stochastic Processes
- Vision: Computational Theory and Neural Mechanisms
Electrical Engineering Graduate Courses,
California State University, Northridge (1991)
- Diagnostics and Design of Digital Systems
- Engineering Statistics
- Multiprocessor Design
- Software Engineering with Ada
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering,
United States Air Force Academy (1986 - 1990)
Electrical Engineering
- Circuits and Systems I
- Laboratory Techniques I
- Introduction to Digital Systems
- Electronics I
- Circuits and Systems II
- Electronics II
- Signals and Linear Systems
- Lab Techniques II
- Digital Systems Design
- Electromagnetics
- Advanced Microprocessor Design
- Laboratory Techniques III
- Computer Engineering
- Communications Systems
- Data Communications
- Numerical Methods
- Design: Networks
- Digital Communications
- Design: Neural Nets
- Design: Computer Interface
Supporting Sciences
- Principles of Chemistry
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Calculus III
- Differential Equations and Matrices
- Fundamentals of Mechanics
- General Physics I
- Engineering Math
- General Physics II
- Air Base Design and Performance
- Energy Systems
- Introduction to Astrodynamics
- Probability and Statistics
- Engineering Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
- Introduction to Biology with Lab
- Language and Expression I
- Modern World History (Honors)
- Language and Expression II (Honors)
- Introduction to Military History (Honors)
- Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Warfare
- Ethics
- Masterpieces of World Literature
- Introduction to the Visual Arts
Social Sciences
- General Psychology
- Professional Military Studies
- Introduction to Management
- Politics and American Government
- Principles of Microeconomics (Honors)
- International Politics and National Security (Honors)
- The American Legal System
- Law for Commanders
Undergraduate Courses, Cisco Junior College
- Two evening courses in basic electronics during high school
Certificates of Training
- 2013 JBoss Application Administration I, Red Hat JB248
- 2011 Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I
- 2001 STARTech Foundation Entrepreneurial Workshops (12 sessions)
- 2000 HP Changengine Essentials Training
- 1998 Introduction to the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
- 199? Sun Software Developer Camp: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- 1996 Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, Third Annual (3 weeks)
- 199? Introduction to Oracle
- 1993 GEMBASE End User Course, Ross Systems
- 199? Flight Test Engineering Short Course, National Test Pilot School
- 1991 Introduction to Acquisition Management, Air University, A.F.I.T.
- 1990 Lieutenant's Professional Development Program, U.S.A.F.
- 1990 Ultrix Utilities and Commands V4, DEC
- 1990 Ultrix System Management V4, DEC
- 1990 VMS Utilities and Commands I V5, Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC)
- 1990 VMS System Management I V5, DEC
- 1990 VMS System Performance Management V5, DEC
- 1990 VAX/VMS System Architecture, DEC
- 1987 Basic Combat Survival Training Course, U.S.A.F.A.
- 1987 Basic Free Fall Parachuting, U.S.A.F.A.
- 1987 Water Survival, Non-Parachute Course, U.S.A.F.A.
Professional Conferences
- 2012 Corticostriatal Circuits in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (UTD)
- 2008 October Rules Fest
- 2006 Goal-Directed Neural Systems
- 2006 Austin Game Conference
- 2006 Neuroengineering Now (UTD)
- 2005 Society for Neuroscience
- 2005 Brain, Mind, & Consciousness
- 2005 Game Developers Conference
- 2004 Computer Game Conference (UTD)
- 2004 Austin Game Conference
- 2004 JavaOne
- 2000 Foresight Institute Fall Senior Associate Gathering
- 2000 ebXML TR&P Meeting Dallas
- 2000 ebXML Meeting San Jose
- 2000 JavaOne
- 2000 Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3)
- 2000 Game Developers Conference
- 1999 XML One Fall
- 1998 JavaOne
- 1996 NSF Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering
Medals and Ribbons
- Air Force Commendation Medal
- Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
- National Defense Service Medal
- Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon
- Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
- Air Force Training Ribbon