This is my checklist and exemplar template code for creating
interactive animated Java games and simulations. In many places, it
relies upon
the new Java 5.0 classes and syntax, some new CroftSoft classes, and a
refined philosophy about how a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture
should work. I will continue to update this checklist and the template
code over time as I improve my process.
You can run a demonstration of the compiled template code by clicking on
the screenshot image above or this Java Web Start link:
Choose a project name. Keep it short as you want to use it as
part of your package name, e.g., project "exemplar" and package
Add a javadoc package.html file to the
project source code directory.
Create a class for your main() method based on the template (p334).
Create a class for your configuration based on the template (p256).
Create a class for internal messaging based on the template
Create a class for your model based on the template (p284).
Create a read-only model accessor interface based on the template (p285).
Create a class for your controller based on the template (p308).
Create a class for your view based on the template (p300).
If this is a 2D animation or includes a 2D animation,
create a class for 2D animation based on the template (Chapter 3).
Create the Ant build file and test the compile and run (p8).
Get something mildly interesting working for a placeholder release.
Create a JAR file with your application in it (pp49-51).
Create a local directory for the deployment webpage with two
subdirectories, "images" and "jnlp".
Add the template deployment webpage
exemplar.xml and customize.
Add a screenshot to the "images" subdirectory
(Alt-PrtScn, Paint).
Rescale the image if required so that it fits nicely within the
deployment webpage.
Add the template deployment JNLP file
(right-click, save link as) to the "jnlp" subdirectory and customize
Add the application JAR file to the "jnlp" subdirectory.
Add the .htaccess file (right-click,
save link as, rename from htaccess.txt to .htaccess) to the "jnlp"
subdirectory (p54).
Ant and XSLT
to merge your website template with deployment
webpage. The result will be an XHTML file called index.html.
Upload the deployment webpage directory and subdirectories.
Test the deployment.
Repeat, adding one new feature at a time.
Use incremental release to ensure that you always have a recent demo
available online while you work on the next feature.