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If you would like to report an error or suggest an
improvement, please post a message to the
reader discussion mailing list.
The URL for the book webpage as given at the end of the
Introduction is incorrect.
The correct URL is
Thanks to Mike Schmidt of Tampa, FL for the heads-up.
Chapter 1 Development Setup
On page 32, insert "at least" in the following sentence:
"As described in Chapter 3, the paint() method is called
whenever the screen needs to be repainted, usually
at least once per game loop
during animation."
Chapter 4 Animation Library
Figure 4-3 "Adjusted clipping area" is slightly off.
The rectangle labeled "Adjusted Clip Bounds" should be
a bit smaller and tighter. The left side of the rectangle
should move in toward the left edge of the circle labeled
"Tile Shape" so that they just touch. Here is my original