CroftSoft / Library / Software


David Wallace Croft

2008 Nov 04 Tue

2023 Jan 14 Sat
Update! A new Rust-based version of CroftSoft Life is now available. This webpage documents the older Java-based version. As Java applets are no longer supported in web browsers, the new version uses Rust and WebAssembly.


This is an animated simulation of the Conway's Game of Life. The state of the cell grid is updated every 3 seconds. Right click on the cell grid to toggle pause. Left click on a cell in the grid to toggle its state. Press the spacebar to clear all cells in the grid. If there are no cells alive in the grid and the simulation is not paused, randomly selected cells will be set to the alive state.


You may use this application under the terms of the Open Source GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3). The source code is available from the CroftSoft Code Library.


In addition to using the applet at the top of this webpage, you can install the program as a desktop application by clicking on this link: life.jnlp

If it does not install, check that you have Java installed first, version 6 or above.


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