Rust-Yew Project Setup
2023 Feb 12 Sun
David Wallace Croft
In recommended reading order
Project Setup
Start by following the instructions in the
Rust Project Setup
Add the distribution directory to your .gitignore file
Install trunk
cargo install --locked trunk
Add dependencies
cargo add yew --features csr
Add an index.html file to the root of your project
<!DOCTYPE html>
[Project Name]
Replace src/ with the following:
use yew::prelude::*;
fn app() -> Html {
html! {
<h1>{ "Hello, World!" }</h1>
fn main() {
Start the trunk server
trunk serve --open
Verify that the Yew application is running in your browser
You might need to click the browser reload button
Commit your code changes
git add .
git commit -m "Yew project setup"
Push to your remote code repository
git push
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CroftSoft Inc