Package com.croftsoft.apps.mars.model

Interface Summary
AmmoDump An ammo dump.
AmmoDumpAccessor An ammo dump.
Bullet A bullet.
BulletAccessor A bullet.
Damageable An interface for Models that can take damage.
Game Interface for a Game object.
GameAccessor Accessor interface for a Game object.
Impassable An interface for Models that block movement.
Model The base interface for the model of a game world entity.
ModelAccessor The base interface for the model of a game world entity.
Obstacle An obstacle.
ObstacleAccessor An obstacle.
Tank A mobile armored tank.
TankAccessor The default tank model implementation.
World Provides methods for manipulating the Models in the game.
WorldAccessor Read-only access to the World.

Class Summary
NullGameAccessor Null object implementation of GameAccessor.
NullWorldAccessor Null object implementation of WorldAccessor.

CroftSoft Javadoc

CroftSoft Apps Javadoc (2008-09-28 21:15:07)