Uses of Interface

Packages that use Matrix
com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix Matrices (including 3D graphics functions). 

Uses of Matrix in com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix

Subinterfaces of Matrix in com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix
 interface Matrix3x3
          Accessor interface for a 3x3 matrix of doubles.
 interface Matrix3x3Mut
          A mutable 3x3 matrix of doubles.
 interface MatrixMut
          A mutable matrix of doubles.

Classes in com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix that implement Matrix
 class Matrix3x3Imp
          Implementation of interface Matrix3x3Mut.
 class MatrixImp
          Implementation of interface MatrixMut.

Methods in com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix with parameters of type Matrix
 void MatrixMut.copyToSelf(Matrix matrix)
 void MatrixImp.copyToSelf(Matrix copy)
static void MatrixLib.copyToSelf(MatrixMut matrixMut, Matrix matrix)
 boolean MatrixImp.matches(Matrix matrix)
 boolean Matrix.matches(Matrix matrix)
 boolean MatrixImp.matches(Matrix matrix, double tolerance)
 boolean Matrix.matches(Matrix matrix, double tolerance)
static boolean MatrixLib.matches(Matrix matrix0, Matrix matrix1)
static boolean MatrixLib.matches(Matrix matrix0, Matrix matrix1, double tolerance)
 MatrixMut MatrixImp.multiply(Matrix matrix)
 MatrixMut Matrix.multiply(Matrix matrix)
static MatrixMut MatrixLib.multiply(Matrix matrix, double scalar)
static MatrixMut MatrixLib.multiply(Matrix matrixAcc0, Matrix matrixAcc1)
 void MatrixMut.multiplyToSelf(Matrix matrix)
 void MatrixImp.multiplyToSelf(Matrix matrix)
static void MatrixLib.multiplyToSelf(MatrixMut matrixMut, Matrix matrix)
static String MatrixLib.toString(Matrix matrix)
static MatrixMut MatrixLib.transpose(Matrix matrix)

Constructors in com.croftsoft.core.math.matrix with parameters of type Matrix
Matrix3x3Imp(Matrix matrix)
MatrixImp(Matrix matrix)

CroftSoft Javadoc

CroftSoft Core Javadoc (2008-09-28 20:58:02)