Uses of Interface

Packages that use Seq Neuronal network simulation implementations (demo). 
com.croftsoft.core.util.mail Intermediary to broadcast and retrieve messages (tutorial). 
com.croftsoft.core.util.seq Read-only access to a sequence such as an Object array or a List (tutorial). 

Uses of Seq in

Constructors in with parameters of type Seq
HhNeuronImp(Seq<Channel> channelSeq, DeltaClock deltaClock)
HhNeuronImp(Seq<Channel> channelSeq, DeltaClock deltaClock, double h, double leakConductivity, double leakReversalPotential, double m, double membraneArea, double membraneCapacitivity, double membraneVoltage, double n, double potassiumConductivity, double potassiumReversalPotential, double sodiumConductivity, double sodiumReversalPotential, double threshold)
TireNeuron(Seq<Channel> channelSeq, DeltaClock deltaClock)
TireNeuron(Seq<Channel> channelSeq, DeltaClock deltaClock, double depolarized, double hyperpolarized, double leakConductance, double leakReversalPotential, double membraneCapacitance, double membraneVoltage, boolean spiking, double threshold)

Uses of Seq in com.croftsoft.core.util.mail

Subinterfaces of Seq in com.croftsoft.core.util.mail
 interface Mail<Message>
          An interface for sending and receiving messages.

Classes in com.croftsoft.core.util.mail that implement Seq
 class FlipMail<Message>
          Replaces incoming messages with outgoing messages when updated.
 class MailImp<Message>
          A Mail implementation backed by a Seq and a Slot.

Constructors in com.croftsoft.core.util.mail with parameters of type Seq
MailImp(Seq<Message> incomingSeq, Slot<Message> outgoingSlot)

Uses of Seq in com.croftsoft.core.util.seq

Classes in com.croftsoft.core.util.seq that implement Seq
 class ArraySeq<E>
          Read-only access to an array.
 class ListSeq<E>
          Read-only access to a List.
 class SeqExample
          Example implementation of Seq as an accessor interface.

CroftSoft Javadoc

CroftSoft Core Javadoc (2008-09-28 20:58:02)